sabato 28 aprile 2012

Ati Tray Tools Versione: Beta

Ati Tray Tools Versione: Beta

Ati Tray Tools è un comodo applicativo che viene caricato sulla barra di sistema dando l'accesso diretto a molte funzioni comode per:

* Overclocking with templates

* Automatic overclocking when application required 3D mode
* Artifact Tester with ability to find maximum stable clocks for GPU and Memory
* Game profiles with desktop shortcut creation
* Direct3D settings with templates, GUI form and tray popup menu
* OpenGL settings with templates, GUI form and tray popup menu
* Hardware low level color correction
* Hardware tweaks. Setting PCI latency timer
* System wide Hot Keys. (Load profiles any profiles/work with colors/run any application)
* Refresh Lock system with ability to set separate refresh rates for each resolution
* Tweak for overriding Pixel and Vertex Shaders
* Speed improvement tweaks for Anisotropic/Trilinear Filtering
* Support for system options, VPU Recover, DMA Copy and so on
* Support for MMC applications
* Support for HYDRAVISION applications
* A lot of useful things. Like Save/Restore Desktop icon positions and more
* Powerful Plug-Ins support. (API for VC++/Delphi included)



Novità implementate in questa nuova versione:

* Updated core names database

* Updated existing translation files
* Added Polish translation
* Updated Advances Tweaks databases
* Fixed procedure to collect monitroing sources from ATT in MotherBoard Sources"FlashOSD Plugin.

Sistemi Operativi:
Windows 2000/XP/2003/vista/7
Programma Free

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